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Benchmarking Ruby

Aug 28, 2015

Benchmarking Ruby code is essential for improving the performance of applications. The Ruby Standard Library provides a Benchmark module that can be used to measure the running time of any Ruby code block.

First, lets require it:

require 'benchmark'
# => true

Benchmarking a single block of code

For benchmarking simple blocks of code, use the #measure method:

puts Benchmark.measure { 10_000_000.times { Object.new } }
#        user     system      total        real
# => 1.280000   0.000000   1.280000 (  1.283235)

The result is in seconds, so instantiating 10 million objects takes a little more than a second.

If we need to print a custom message, we can capture the result and process it:

result = Benchmark.realtime { 10_000_000.times { Object.new } }

puts "Creating ten million objects: #{realtime.round(2)}s"
# => Creating ten million objects: 1.29s

Comparing several blocks

We often need to compare several approaches to a problem in order to find out the best one. Let’s say we want to compare the following methods for finding the n-th fibonacci number:

# DP version
def fib_dp(n)
  (2..n).reduce([0, 1]) { |m| m << m.last(2).reduce(:+) }[n]

# Recursive version
def fib_rec(n)
  return 0 if n == 0
  return 1 if n == 1

  fib_rec(n - 1) + fib_rec(n - 2)

The unoptimized recursive version is very slow and will choke on values larger than 40. We can use the #bm method to measure just how much slower it is:

Benchmark.bm(10) do |x|
  x.report('dp:')        { fib_dp(35) }
  x.report('recursive:') { fib_rec(35) }

#                  user     system      total        real
# dp:          0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000035)
# recursive:   1.680000   0.000000   1.680000 (  1.671631)

The first argument to #bm defines the label width and larger values will shift the results further to the right. Anyway, we got what we wanted - the recursive function takes more than a second and a half and the DP version takes a negligible amount of time. In fact, it can calculate very large fibonacci numbers in very little time:

puts Benchmark.measure { fib_dp(100_000) }
#        user     system      total        real
# => 0.350000   0.000000   0.350000 (  0.350249)

There is another method in the Benchmark library called #bmbm which runs the tests twice - the first time to warm up the runtime environment and the second time to measure the results. You will want to use this method if you worry that the order of execution of the different code blocks will have an effect on their execution time.

Using benchmark-ips

The benchmark-ips gem provides even more features than the default Benchmark module. Install it and then require it in your program:

require 'benchmark/ips'

Let’s use it to test our previous methods:

Benchmark.ips do |x|
  x.report('dp: ')        { fib_dp(35) }
  x.report('recursive: ') { fib_rec(35) }


# Calculating -------------------------------------
#                 dp:      5.600k i/100ms
#          recursive:      1.000  i/100ms
# -------------------------------------------------
#                 dp:      60.299k (± 2.0%) i/s -    302.400k
#          recursive:       0.517  (± 0.0%) i/s -      3.000  in   5.800686s
# Comparison:
#                 dp: :    60299.5 i/s
#          recursive: :        0.5 i/s - 116590.15x slower

The only difference is the x.compare! call at the end, but we get a lot more valuable information about the performance of the two methods - iterations per second, standard deviation and finally a comparison which shows that the unoptimized recursive version is more than 100 000 times slower than the DP version!

There are a few more options available, like setting the time for the warmup and calculation phases or creating a custom suite.

Conclusion and further reading

If you ever wondered if Enumerable#each is faster than a for loop or if [].map.flatten is slower than [].flat_map, take a look at the fast-ruby repo. It contains answers to those questions and to many others.

The Benchmark module and benchmark-ips gem are really easy to use and provide great information about the performance of your code. They are an essential tool in every developers toolbelt.