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Running a Rails app from your home

Mar 29, 2023

You should never run any serious applications from your local network. Never ever allow public access into your home network. If you absolutely must, use a VPN. But if you like to live dangerously, read on.

This post is mostly documentation for my future self. I have a small private application that I want to be able to access even when I’m not home. It’s not that important so that I want to pay for a VPS and as I have some spare RaspberryPIs, I decided to finally use them for something.



The first step is to deploy the application to the RaspberryPI. There are a lot of ways to do it - I prefer using capistrano and will document it in a follow-up post. Our app can be served on any port and in our case this will be 80.

The second step is to set up your domain with your public VPS. Create an A DNS record that points to its IPv4.

For proxying the traffic between the two machines, we’ll use FRP. FRP is a reverse proxy that’s designed for exposing local services to the Internet. You can also use it to create a service similar to ngrok if you need to expose your development servers to the Internet. This is particularly useful if you need to test webhooks or oAuth integration with a third-party API.

FRP has a server and a client component that are part of the same package. We’ll run an FRP server on the VPS and the FRP client on our RaspberryPI.

Setting up the FRP server

Start by installing FRP on your VPS. We’ll put the executables in our home folder. FRP needs a simple config file that tells it on what port it will receive the requests and a second port that will be used by the FRP client. Place the frps.ini in the home directory as well with the following contents:

; this is the port where the FRP client will connect to the FRP server
bind_port = 7000

; this is where we'll proxy the requests from our server
vhost_http_port = 8080

Start the FRP server by running the following command in the shell:

frps -c frps.ini

Running it in the shell is a good way to test things out but ultimately we want the run the server in a more-robust (robuster?) way.

Manage the FRP server with systemd

systemd is the standard way to run services on UNIX machines. Start by creating a service file for our server in /etc/systemd/system/frps.service:

Description = frp server
After = network.target syslog.target
Wants = network.target

Type = simple
ExecStart = /home/deploy/frps -c /home/deploy/frps.ini

WantedBy = multi-user.target

Enable the service and start it by executing the following commands:

systemctl enable frps.service
systemctl start frps.service

Use sudo if your current user doesn’t have the necessary permissions. If all is good, the FRP server will be started on machine boot and will be restarted automatically if it fails for any reason.

Next, we’ll tell our web server (nginx) to proxy incoming requests to the FRP server.

Setting up nginx

You can use any other web server as long as it can proxy requests to a unix socket or a different port. Nginx is great for this use-case and we’ll use it here.

After installing nginx, we need to set it up to proxy incoming requests to the FRP server. Create a file in the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled folder with the following contents:

# /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/example

server {
  listen 80;
  listen 443;
  listen [::]:80;

  server_name example.net;

  location / {
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header REMOTE-HOST $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header origin 'http://example.net';

Make sure to point the proxy_pass directive to the same port we defined in the frps.ini file above with the vhost_http_port line - 8080 in our case.

At this point, we may need to reload nginx for the changes to take effect:

systemctl reload nginx.service

This is all we need to set up on the VPS.

Setting up the FRP server

Next, we’ll jump over to the RaspberryPI for the rest of the setup. Install FRP and create the client configuration file /home/deploy/frps.ini:

; The public IP of our VPS
server_addr = x.x.x.x

; The port of the FRP server we defined as `bind_port` in the server configuration
server_port = 7000

type = http

; The port of our local web server where we serve the Rails application
local_port = 80
custom_domains = example.net

Same as on the VPS, we’ll use systemd to manage the FRP client. Create /etc/systemd/system/frpc.service with the following contents:

Description = frp client
After = network.target syslog.target
Wants = network.target

Type = simple
ExecStart = /home/deploy/frpc -c /home/deploy/frpc.ini

WantedBy = multi-user.target

Note that we use frpc for the client and frps for the server. Not that I messed them up one too many times 😬.

Again, enable and start the service:

systemctl enable frpc.service
systemctl start frpc.service

If you set up your Rails application properly, it will now start receiving traffic from your domain :). A common mistake is making sure the app is aware of the public host (e.g. example.net). If you want to use SSL, you’ll need to make some minor changes to the config files and expand your nginx config but this is out of the scope here.

You may have noticed that there’s nothing Rails-specific about this. You are correct! My plan is to write a couple more posts that go into the spefics on how to deploy and serve a Rails application in the simplest way possible and this will tie in nicely with them.